About Us
Styler is a professional manufacturer aims to provide high quality and trustful welding machine to the customer. Our company has unique understanding and innovative idea in the field of resistance welding and laser applications, and the welding technology has reached to the international level through continuously investing in the technical research and development. We also cooperate with education institutes on the technology development to enhance our machine’s performance and application area. Customer Centric is our core value. Besides of providing personalized high performance and durable machines to the customer, we value the hospitality the most, as we wish customers to have a pleasant purchase experience with us for each visit. Therefore, we have been providing ongoing training internally to provide excellent customer service to our customer. We believe the customer-oriented direction is the key to success, and it has been successfully helping us to develop a strong reputation in the industry, allowing us to retain customers and attracting new customers to start the business with us.
Time Life
Company Vision
To provide a cutting-edge welding machine in a reasonable price to the customer has been the long-term goal for Styler, and thus, we will continually be developing innovative, stable, and budgeting machine to the customer around the world.

Corporate Social Responsibility
Giving back to the society is important as we are not able to go this far without the community’s support. Therefore, Styler has been actively participating in the charity works and government events each year, to improve the local municipal service and facility.
Employee Development
Despite all the growth that has occurred over the years, we remain extremely employee centric. Our management team works tirelessly to ensure each Styler Welding employee feels fulfilled from work and life. As work-life balanced living style is proved that it would increase employee’s performance at work, and consequently, providing better service and product to the customer.